But, if you duel with your friends, you can use any cards you want, even the Egyptian God Cards, and completely ignore the Forbidden/Limited Card lists. Unfortunately, the Egyptian God Cards have never been allowed in Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments. The Egyptian gods are one-of-a-kind all-powerful cards created by Maximillion Pegasus, who modeled them after three Ancient Egypt divine beasts whose likenesses.
Now duelists will have to make new deck strategies and different decks will start showing up! The Yu-Gi-Oh! Egyptian God Cards in Tournament Games? The Egyptian God Cards, also known in Japan as the Three Phantom Gods, (, Sangenshin), are a series of cards in Yu-Gi-Oh that serve as a focal point in the series' manga, the second series anime, and numerous video games. Almost everybody was using the same deck because the cards were way stronger than any other cards. The list of Forbidden Cards has changed to stop the Chaos/Control deck that won the Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2004 Tournament. Many cards are in the hundreds range, but some can be in the thousands, making some Yu-Gi-Oh! cards the most valuable trading cards between any of the major trading card games.More Info on Forbidden and Limited Yu-Gi-Oh! Cards With the pool of cards getting consistently larger, the rarity and scarcity of other cards goes up. While some modern cards are released and go for over $100, this does not hold a candle to what many other cards are worth. YuGiOh (Egyptian mythology), Fairy Tail (wizards, magical creatures manga by Mashima Hiro), and Naruto (nine-tailed fox manga by Kishimoto Masami). Many cards have stopped being printed, with some never getting more than just one. Updated Septemby Johnny Garcia : With how long Yu-Gi-Oh! has been going on, the value of cards is only getting higher. So let's get this list of the rarest Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in existence started. Finally, the older a card, the higher its value. Some cards on this list are literally one-of-a-kind and you better believe they cost vast fortunes. Another factor is if the card was printed in limited amounts.

If your card is part of the first printing of the card, that's a good start. What separates a valuable card from a cheap one comes down to a few things. RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! The Best Super Polymerization Targets, Ranked Billing does not occur until order is processed. But if you were a hardcore player who attended the highest-level tournaments, then you might have some of the cards on this list. After four seasons of searching for answers, Yugi finally uncovers the secrets of his ancient past Through the magic of the three Egyptian God Cards, Yugi and his friends are suddenly transported 5,000 years back in time Now they must battle the ultimate evil force to save the world from devastation, for if the past is destroyed. Many players go through their collections at one time or another, hoping that they'll be able to buy something by selling their old cards - but they often amount to little more than a hill of beans. Most of those, however, aren't worth a thing. Given its worldwide popularity and the fact that it has been going strong ever since 1998, it's not surprising that thousands and thousands of cards have been made of the various monster, spell, and trap cards in its 30-year history. YuGiOh Legendary Collection Ultra Rare God Card Set of 3 Egyptian God Cards Slifer, Obelisk Ra Product description Attack Defense Level Set Number Product. With the brand new Egyptian God Decks dropping this week, you can build decks focused around summoning Yugi and Kaibas true boss monsters, stronger than ever. When this card battles, you can pay 1000 Life Points to destroy the monster this card is battling. Deck Box: En cada Card Case pueden caber un Deck Principal, Side y Extra para un total de 70 fundas de cartas. This was not a physical card rather, it was the form ' The Winged Dragon of Ra ' took when it activated its effect to destroy all of the opponent's monsters when it was Special Summoned. When Yu-Gi-Oh! first came out all the way back in Japan in the year 1997, nobody could have ever predicted that it would go on to spawn one of the largest trading card games in the world right up there with Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering. Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Deck Box Egyptian Gods: Slifer, Obelisk & Ra 1,460.00.